Ladies wants to become stylish and nail polish is a important thing to show their nails beautiful . beauty of hands are depend on nails style and polish that apply on nails. Now nail polish become a art , in early year ladies just apply one color nail polish but now trend become change and glamour add in every thing. Depending on the type of design you can either place this design on the tip of the nail or in the nail bed. As for example, if you choose a design that has lacy texture then the design will look better in the tip of the nail. Printed designs like flowers and character looks better in the nail bed area. You can start with simple flower pattern in which you just have to

choose your desired color for the middle of the flower. White and yellow are the popular colors for that. Than place a dab of polish on nail now choose a nail color for actual flower and make several dabs around the first dab you made. Once you have stamped the design it should be covered to protect the design. Apply a clear nail polish once the design becomes completely dry.
This also renders a glossy texture to your nails. You can also apply two coats of clear nail polish to give your nail a better protection.There are many designs of nail polish are available here just for you because we wants to look you beautiful that’s why our website try to offer you some thing different. Women can choose their design. You have created a flower now. Do this with each nail. Nails are amongst the highly attracted feature of a lady. One can easily attract anybody towards him just by adopting colored nail paint. Ladies apply nail polish colors

according to their dress color .Top nails have taken a very nice place amongst
ladies. It is a very easy task to find out such lady that is having colored nail. So if you too wish to gain attraction of people around you then it is suggested that you should go for the top nails as these are used widely.