Tips to keep your teeth white and your smile bright

Tips to keep your teeth white and your smile bright

To keep your teeth white only brushing twice and going to dentist for polishing teeth is not enough. You need to take some more precautions for that. Like:

  • The cool-drinks and juices wedrink makes our teeth yellow so when you drink anything like that make sure of using a straw.
  • Tea and coffee also makes teeth yellow, you may just wash your mouth after drinking them. See to it that you don`t drink much of them.
  • Make a habit of eating apple and carrot. When you chew them they work as a brush on your teeth and helps them look white.  
  • Lips do makes difference in the look of teeth so make sure that your lips are moister.
  • When you brush with toothpaste sprinkle a lil bit of baking soda and 4-5 drops water and brush it acts as natural whitener. Do this once a month